Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy.
Psalm 33:3
Worship Choir
The Worship Choir is a group of believers who are passionate about worshiping Jesus Christ and helping others worship Him as well. The choir leads congregational singing in our morning worship services, presents special messages in song in those services, and leads in our frequent Night of Worship events.
F.A.Q's about Worship Choir:
For more information about Worship Choir, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
The Worship Choir is a group of believers who are passionate about worshiping Jesus Christ and helping others worship Him as well. The choir leads congregational singing in our morning worship services, presents special messages in song in those services, and leads in our frequent Night of Worship events.
F.A.Q's about Worship Choir:
- How often does the Worship Choir sing in worship services? The choir sings an average of every other week in both our 8:30am and 10:45am services during the school year (August--May; we give the choir a well-deserved break during the summer months).
- When does the Worship Choir rehearse? The choir rehearses each Wednesday from 6:30pm--7:15pm in the Worship Center choir loft. The choir is active during the school year, from August--May, with a break for the summer.
- Is there childcare during rehearsals? Yes. We have fantastic preschool and children's ministry programming during our Worship Choir rehearsal time.
- Do I have to know how to read music to be part of the Worship Choir? No. Music reading is not a requirement. Just come and join in; we'll teach you everything you need to know.
- Do I have to audition to be part of the Worship choir? No. Worship Choir is the gateway program for our worship ministry; auditions are not required.
- I'm a little nervous about walking into rehearsal for the first time by myself. Are the people friendly? YES! We have a very loving and friendly group. In fact, we love having new faces, and our people will meet and greet you, help you find the right place to sit, and help you find the right sheet music and materials you'll need to participate. Come join us; you'll have a great time!
For more information about Worship Choir, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
Worship Band & Orchestra
The Worship Band is an auditioned group of disciples of Jesus Christ who are gifted by God to lead in corporate worship through their instruments. The Worship Band accompanies the congregational singing in our worship services, shares messages in song, and participates in special worship events, like our frequent Nights of Worship. The Band--made up of piano, organ, keyboard, drums, bass, acoustic guitars and electric guitars--plays in both our 8:30am and 10:45am services each Sunday, year round. This group rehearses each Wednesday evening at 7:15pm (August-May) or 6:30pm (summer schedule). For more information about the Worship Band, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
The Orchestra leads in worship on Sunday mornings an average of once each month, and plays in our special Night of Worship events, along with our Worship Band. The Orchestra is composed mainly of brass and wind instruments, though there is always room for other orchestral instruments. Both teens and adults are welcome to play in our orchestra. The group rehearses on Wednesday evenings leading up to their scheduled Sunday morning and other worship events. For more information about the Orchestra, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
The Worship Band is an auditioned group of disciples of Jesus Christ who are gifted by God to lead in corporate worship through their instruments. The Worship Band accompanies the congregational singing in our worship services, shares messages in song, and participates in special worship events, like our frequent Nights of Worship. The Band--made up of piano, organ, keyboard, drums, bass, acoustic guitars and electric guitars--plays in both our 8:30am and 10:45am services each Sunday, year round. This group rehearses each Wednesday evening at 7:15pm (August-May) or 6:30pm (summer schedule). For more information about the Worship Band, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
The Orchestra leads in worship on Sunday mornings an average of once each month, and plays in our special Night of Worship events, along with our Worship Band. The Orchestra is composed mainly of brass and wind instruments, though there is always room for other orchestral instruments. Both teens and adults are welcome to play in our orchestra. The group rehearses on Wednesday evenings leading up to their scheduled Sunday morning and other worship events. For more information about the Orchestra, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
Vocal Team
Our Vocal Team is made up of small ensembles that, along with the Worship Pastor, lead congregational singing during our Sunday morning worship services and special worship events. Vocal Team singers are disciples of Jesus Christ who have been gifted by God to bring honor and glory to Him through their voices. They are passionate about helping our church worship the Lord in spirit and truth. Vocal Team is a rotating, auditioned group. For more information about Vocal Team, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
Our Vocal Team is made up of small ensembles that, along with the Worship Pastor, lead congregational singing during our Sunday morning worship services and special worship events. Vocal Team singers are disciples of Jesus Christ who have been gifted by God to bring honor and glory to Him through their voices. They are passionate about helping our church worship the Lord in spirit and truth. Vocal Team is a rotating, auditioned group. For more information about Vocal Team, contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
Audio/Visual (AV) Team
The AV Team is made up of disciples of Jesus Christ who serve the church by using sound and video equipment to enhance our worship services.
Sound: At Auburn Baptist Church, we believe it is vitally important that worshipers be able to hear the Word of God in the sermon times and our times of congregational singing, and we believe that a good mix makes for a better, more pleasing, more focused worship experience. Our sound techs serve on a rotating team in Sunday morning worship services and in Wednesday night rehearsals, as well as special Worship Ministry events.
Video Projection: We use video screens to support our preaching ministry and aid in congregational singing. Like our sound techs, our video techs serve on a rotating team in Sunday morning worship services and in Wednesday night rehearsals, as well as special Worship Ministry events.
Livestream: When our upcoming livestream system renovation is complete, the Livestream Team will be responsible for both video and sound mixing on our Sunday morning worship service livestream. We also livestream special events.
For more information about the AV Team,
contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell
The AV Team is made up of disciples of Jesus Christ who serve the church by using sound and video equipment to enhance our worship services.
Sound: At Auburn Baptist Church, we believe it is vitally important that worshipers be able to hear the Word of God in the sermon times and our times of congregational singing, and we believe that a good mix makes for a better, more pleasing, more focused worship experience. Our sound techs serve on a rotating team in Sunday morning worship services and in Wednesday night rehearsals, as well as special Worship Ministry events.
Video Projection: We use video screens to support our preaching ministry and aid in congregational singing. Like our sound techs, our video techs serve on a rotating team in Sunday morning worship services and in Wednesday night rehearsals, as well as special Worship Ministry events.
Livestream: When our upcoming livestream system renovation is complete, the Livestream Team will be responsible for both video and sound mixing on our Sunday morning worship service livestream. We also livestream special events.
For more information about the AV Team,
contact our Worship & Administration Pastor, Troy McConnell